ACUA D.C. Chapter was fully established

On July 13th, ACUA organized a celebration for establishing the ACUA D.C. Chapter at the China Garden Restaurants.
The ACUA hosts a BBQ party, rising flag ceremony for the celebration of Independence Day

The American Chinese Museum hosted the American Independence Day event on July 4th on behalf of the ACUA(American Chinese United Association).
“Colorado American Chinese Roundtable Meeting “for preparing the ACUA Colorado Chapter

The ACUA Leader team traveled to Denver, Colorado, on June 21 to host a “Colorado American Chinese Roundtable Meeting ” with the area’s Chinese community and business owners.
Oregon American Chinese Roundtable Meeting for the preparation of the ACUA Oregon Chapter

On June 20, the ACUA General Assembly flew to Portland, Oregon, to discuss the development of local Chinese businesses with local Chinese communities.
“Washington American Chinese Roundtable Meeting” discussing the ACUA for the upcoming Washington Chapter

The leader groups of ACUA have traveled to Seattle, Washington, for the Washington American Chinese Roundtable Meeting with more than 60 people, including the local Asian American Association and the Chinese Association, to discuss the establishment of the ACUA Washington Chapter.
The first “Dragon Boat Festival Culture Day” is conducted in the Museum

On May 5th, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the ACUA (American Chinese United Association) held the first “Dragon Boat Festival Folk Culture Festival” at the Chinese American Museum in the United States with other Chinese community associations.
“Arizona American Chinese Roundtable Meeting”, the discussion of Asian population development

ACUA the leader groups traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, on May 22 to meet with representatives of Asian-American associations of Phoenix and communities to help facilitate the Asian population.
Celebrating the “Asian Chinese Traditional Culture Months”

On May 1st, 2020, “Asian Chinese Traditional Culture Months” was celebrated for the mission of promoting Chinese culture.
The “Minnesota American Chinese Roundtable Meeting” Was Successfully Hosted Online

The “Minnesota American Chinese Roundtable Meeting,” sponsored by the ACUA, National Chinese Elite Roundtable’s organizing committee, and the Minnesota American Cultural Exchange Association, was held online on the morning of April 16th, 2022.
ACUA held he first “Symposium on Encouraging Chinese Community Youth to Participate in Politics” successfully

The American Chinese United Association hosted the first “Symposium on Encouraging Chinese Community Youth to Participate in Politics” on March 29 at the Chinese American Museum. This special meeting drew a large number of participants of the teen Volunteers from the Southern Community such as Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington.