The ACUA (American Chinese United Association) Massachusetts Chapter had its inauguration ceremony on June 1st at Boston Empire Garden Restaurant. 

After the AUCA Florida chapter’s founding celebration, the AUCU Massachusetts Chapter inaugural ceremony was another memorable ceremony held by the state branches of the American Chinese United Association.

For the activity of the American Chinese United Association Massachusetts Chapter, more than 400 people attended the ceremony. Among the visitors are overseas Chinese from all parts of the United States and representatives from both business and academia. Among them are the leading politicians from Massachusetts, including candidates for attorney general (Quentin Palfrey), The candidates for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts (Tami Gouveia), and the candidate of the governor for Massachusetts  (Sonia Chang- Díaz). 

At the ceremony, the sponsor has prepared many fun shows and traditional Chinese culture shows such as singing, dancing, traditional Chinese musical instruments, Beijing opera performances, and a traditional dress cheongsam show, one of China’s traditional costumes.